Minimize interference:
Just like your Wi-Fi, cellphone, and other wireless signals, Bluetooth range and performance can vary depending on a number of factors. All smartphones and tablets aren’t created equal, so be aware that the following can have varying influence on your Bluetooth connection quality.
If your phone is in your pocket and you’re moving between rooms in your home, Bluetooth distance is reduced significantly. Try to keep your device in the same room as your Bluetooth speaker for optimal performance.
Your body makes a better door than a window. In fact, the human body is one of the worst offenders when it comes to blocking Bluetooth signals (as are all “watery” objects). If you are in between your device and your Bluetooth speaker (like if your phone was in your back pocket), it may affect performance.
Other wireless signals:
If you have a lot of devices fighting for wireless airspace in your home, they can interfere with each other. If there is no other interference (your device and speaker are in the same room with no obstructions) and you’re still experiencing issues, make sure that any other Bluetooth devices or peripherals you have in close proximity are disabled.